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Columns and Towers
The following items, used in conjunction with a turntable and the other pits and platforms and roundhouse detail items can create a fascinating engine service area and provide a proper setting to display and operate your locomotives.
Water columns were very common items on many railroads, and were found in terminal areas as well as along the line, often near a natural source of water such as a stream or spring. The all-metal kit includes several metal castings and brass and steel wire for extra detail. Kits are available in HO- and N-scale.
Railroads that operated where oil was plentiful began converting from coal to oil because of the economics and the ease of handling. Most lines operated both coal and oil during the conversion process. The all-metal kit includes several metal castings and brass and steel wire for extra detail. Kits are available in HO- and N-scale.
Sanding facilities could be located on several tracks and all fed from one drying building. The dried sand was conveyed through high pressure, high velocity piping to an elevated sand storage bin. From there it was piped to locomotives via filler spouts. Our model is of a narrow tower that stands between two tracks and can distribute sand to both tracks. The kit includes lots of detail with an injection-molded plastic tower frame, metal castings, brass tank, brass wire, chain and thread for rigging. This kit is available in HO-scale.
Engine terminals used special utility poles to support the steam, water, and electric services from main buildings to outside stall tracks and other facilities. Steam locomotives were spotted under a steam drop, connected, and kept under steam while their fires were out. This all-metal kit includes an A-frame, metal castings and brass wire for fine detail. The kit is available in HO-scale and includes materials for two units per kit.
Yard lights were needed in several locations throughout a service facility to provide light for workmen servicing equipment at night or in otherwise poor visibility conditions. Our light pole with two lamps is an all-metal casting in HO-scale. The kit includes four poles per kit.
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Last updated August 23, 2007